News from Aoredise

We built Aoredise in 2016 and have been making improvements ever since. It is a labour of love and a work in progress. It's not easy making a comfortable holiday rental house in a remote location on a limited budget, but we are determined to make it work. We believe we are on the right track, and our customer reviews and the reputation we are building seem to back this up. But don't take our word for it, come and stay a while and see for yourselves!
Here are some of the improvements we have made so far, and we'll add updates as Aoredise continues to evolve;
September 2024 - New Toys and New Flights
Another trip over to tidy things up, add some new screens, wash the roof, and general maintenance.
Also added a couple of new toys for guests - a second Kayak and a new Stand-Up Paddle Board.
Solomon Airlines new flight Auckland to Santo from mid September.
July 2024 - Direct Flights from Brisbane
After months of uncertainty and flight cancellations due to Air Vanuatu going into liquidation, direct flights from Brisbane to Santo have recommenced as from 4th July. Solomon Airlines are flying Brisbane to Santo every Thursday. The flight returns to Brisbane same day via a short 1 hour stop-over in Vila. Domestic flights between Santo, Vila and other islands are to recommence soon.
July 2023 - More Upgrades
We now have satellite internet at Aoredise. We also added another three solar panels, fitted a new sliding door to the new ensuite, and replaced the ceiling fans in the main room and the bunk room.
Some more work in the gardens with new plants , and further clearing done on the beach. Every chance we get we will continue to improve Aoredise.
February & March 2023 - The Renovation
We closed the doors for 8 weeks to do some upgrades to Aoredise. We have swapped the bedrooms over, and turned the old Power Room into an Ensuite to the new Main Bedroom. The new Bunk Room now includes a double bed (and 3 single beds). And we built a new Power Room on the back verandah. It was a lot of work but it has been worth it!
July 2022 - The Borders Re-open!
After over two years of lockdown due to Covid 19, Vanuatu borders are finally re-opened for tourists. We'll be there soon to get everything checked and cleaned up ready to once again share our little piece of paradise with our lucky guests.
New "Cleaned, Caring, Checked" Certification is in place.
August 2020 - Re-Building the Wall
The coral wall on the waterfront has been re-built. We put a curve in it this time which looks better, is stronger and will help deflect the waves in the next cyclone. The house is being re-painted due to the strong wind and debris damaging the walls during the cyclone in April.
May 2020 - The Re-build Begins
Our wonderful builder, Banga, is on the job starting the repairs needed after the cyclone damage. The Nakamal is being saved before it falls into the ocean, the house has been secured and the clean-up in the gardens has begun. Lots to do yet but we are confident Aoredise will be in great shape by the time international flights return.
April 2020 - Tropical Cyclone Harold
On 6th April we got smashed by a Cat 5 Cyclone (the third biggest cyclone to ever hit the South West Pacific!). Northern Vanuatu including Santo and Aore Island copped the worst of it with major damage.
Aoredise did suffer a lot of damage, however it could have been much worse. At least we came out if it still with a house with a roof on it - others were not so fortunate. Lots of work to do but rest assured it will be done. We built Aoredise from scratch so we can re-do it now, and once again it will be Paradise on Aore Island!
March 2020 - Covid-19 strikes!
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all international travel to Vanuatu has been cancelled until further notice. We are working hard with our current bookings to allow them to re-schedule for a future visit, or to receive a refund of any deposits paid.
January 2020 - Happy New Year!
Looking back on the year just passed at Aoredise - We had 30 bookings for the year with 107 guests staying. No bad reviews which is great, and our aim is to see that this continues into the future. Lots of good reviews, thank you, you are all welcome to return if you get the opportunity.
December 2019 - We add a little "Entrance Nakamal" at the front gate and move the "Aoreside" sign from the tree to the entrance.
November 2019 - Ticking all the Boxes - Check out our new E Booklet to see why you should choose Aoredise for your new holiday;
August 2019 - Happy Birthday Aoredise!! Three years has flown by since our first booking. Lots of happy guests have enjoyed a holiday here, with plenty more to come.
July 2019 - We managed to come over and stay ourselves, and brought over a new BBQ for the Nakamal. While there we added a couple of new lights, cleared a big log off the beach, added some new cupboards in the house and re-oiled the steps. Oh, and we made a bench for the BBQ to match the big table and seats.
May 2019 - We welcome our 50th group of guests to Aoredise. We have now had guests from Ten different countries - Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Netherlands, China, Spain & Switzerland!
April 2019 - Air Vanuatu airfare special - Brisbane to Santo from $519, Sydney to Santo from $599, Melbourne to Santo from $693 - Limited seats, book by 28/04/19, travel before January 2020, black-out dates apply.
March 2019 - Chairs and tables added to the Nakamal, and new 4-burner stove and oven added to the kitchen.
December 2018 - Our new Nakamal (BBQ hut on the waterfront) is completed.
October 2018 - Another toy is added - a second SUP.
March 2018 - We add a Stand-up Paddle Board (SUP) to the toys for guests to play with.
October 2017 - We now have 4 bicycles for our guests to use.
February 2017 - Storage Shed is completed.
August 2016 - We have our first guest, Nadine. She loved it!
July 2016 - House complete, all licenses in place and Aoredise is available for holiday rental.
